The committee has been looking into what options might be available to us for restarting in September with the intended programme for the new season. Many of the presenters booked are able to do their presentation online using Zoom.
Giving us a taste of what this might be like and to get club activities going again the following Zoom talks have been arranged in what would normally be our closed season time:
6th July Social chat meeting for club members. This will be an opportunity for members to see each other again and get an update on where we are for next season.
13th July Les Loosemore ARPS, AWPF, DPAGB Sponsored by Fotospeed. Les will show a variety of his work which includes Sport, Nature and Landscape photography.
20th July Improving your photopraphy – Martin Pattern DPAGB LRPS BPE4* QPSA AFIAP
27th July Gary Langley DPAGB Faces and Places
3rd August Mid-summer madness competition. Members will be informed of the theme for the competition shortly beforehand and images must be taken between 7pm and 8:30pm on the evening and then sent to Alan as SOOC ( Straight Out Of Camera ) JPEGs that evening. The images will be shared on Monday 10th August.

19th August My Photography – Paul Stanley FIPF EFIAP/g FIAP
This talk has been arranged for a Wednesday evening because Paul is fully booked on Mondays.
Paul is an award winning Travel Photographer from Dublin. His talk mainly covers travel and street photography but also includes some long exposure coastal photography and architecture.
31st August Double Exposure 2 Pictures that we like – Guy Davies ARPS EFIAP EPSA & Paua Davies CPAGB EFIAP/S EPSA
This talk covers a range of subjects from architecture to landscape with a bit of street photography and some still life, and includes mono images as well as colour.
Please show your support to the speakers by attending the talks.
If anyone has not used Zoom before and is feeling apprehensive I’m happy to arrange a one to one trial meeting with you. Just let me know if you would like to do this.
Click here to view a short YouTube video which shows how Zoom works.
If there is enough interest in Zoom from club members we could also look at the possibility of holding members only meetings which could include things like Social Meetings, Digital Groups, Photo Clinics etc.
I am thinking of hosting a Zoom social meeting to allow members to have a chat and to get used to Zoom before we hold our first online talk. Please let me know if you would like to do this.
Kind Regards
Irene Stupples
Blythe Bridge Camera Club