Competition rules

Competition Rules

A competition entry may consist of up to 5 Prints and/or 5 Projected Digital Images

presented in the required manner and must be accompanied by a correctly

completed competition entry form. The use of the same image as a Print and PDI in

the “hybrid” Print and PDI competitions is discouraged.

• If the entries from members of the club exceed the limit for the competition, then

individuals may only have 3 or 4 entries put into the competition.

• Entries are to be listed in rank order such that if the quota is reduced to four entries

it will be the one listed fifth that will not be used and if the quota is reduced to three

entries it will be the ones listed fourth and fifth that will not be used.

All entries including the completed competition entry form must be with the

Competition Secretary at least one week prior to the competition date.

• Only work in which all of the elements of the image have been photographed by the

entrant may be submitted. The use of any AI generated images or part of an image

is forbidden.

• Any alteration/manipulation must be the work of the entrant with the exception of

colour balancing by a Commercial Photo Printing Service.

Entrants are divided into two sections, Intermediate and Advanced.

• New members and existing members, (with the exception of the person with the

highest number of points) who have previously been in the Intermediate section, may

elect to be in either the Intermediate or the Advanced section and will remain in that

section for the whole season.

• At the end of each season the person with the highest number of points in the

Intermediate section will be moved to the Advanced section.

• Any member who has moved to the Advanced section, or new member who has

chosen to be in the Advanced section, but has not been as successful as they

desired, may apply to the Committee at the end of the season and prior to the

beginning of the following season to return to the Intermediate section.

Print Competition:

• Print entries must be board mounted and not glazed or framed.

• The print shall be titled on the rear, at the top, by the entrant.

• Advanced section entries must be on a mount sized 500mm by 400mm.

• In the Intermediate section smaller mounts are permitted up to a maximum of

500mm x 400mm.

Projected Digital Image (PDI) Competition:

• Projected Digital Images shall be up to 1600 pixels wide by 1200 pixels high.

(“Portrait” format images must NOT exceed 1200 pixels high)

• In JPEG format.

• The colour space set to sRGB.

• The file name shall be the same as that shown on the entry form.

Points are awarded in each class and in each Competition as follows :-

1st Place              10 Points

2nd Place             8 Points

3rd Place              6 Points

Highly Commended 4 Points

Commended     2 Points

• Work placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in a monthly competition during a season may then

only be entered in the Print of the Year competition for that season. It cannot be

entered again in any section (Intermediate or Advanced) of any other club

competition in any future season.

• All other work entered in monthly competitions including Highly commended and

commended may be used no more than a total of 4 times, with the exception of that

season’s Print of the Year.

• Entries for the annual Print of the Year competition at the end of the season must

ONLY consist of the original and unaltered work that has been entered in that

season (whether placed or not).

• Any print or Projected Digital Image (PDI) entered into a monthly club competition

may be retained by the Competition Secretary for use in inter-club competitions. It

will be returned to the author before the end of the season, or earlier if requested.

The Committee’s decision in all matters shall be final.


The following trophies shall be awarded at the Club’s Annual Presentation Evening

at the discretion of the Committee:-

Denton Edwards Memorial Trophy shall be awarded to a Member of the Club who, in

the opinion of the Committee, has shown outstanding commitment to the Club.

Additionally trophies are awarded for:

– the most points in the monthly Advanced print competitions.

– the most points in the monthly Intermediate print competitions.

– the most points in the monthly Advanced PDI competitions.

– the most points in the monthly Intermediate PDI competitions.

– People / Portrait of the year ( Mike Smith Memorial trophy )

– Landscape of the year ( George Steele Trophy )

– Natural History Image of the Year

People’ (formerly Portrait of the Year) – The Mike Smith Memorial Trophy

Purpose: The above Trophy shall be presented at the end of each Season for what is

judged to be the best ‘People’ picture of the year. It may be retained by the Winner for the

following season, but shall remain the property of Blythe Bridge Camera Club.

Definition: For the purposes of definition, ‘People’ shall be a picture of a living person or

persons by its intent.

Entry: Entry to the competition for the above Trophy shall be via the People Competition. All

work must conform to the current Competition Rules.

Judging: All work shall first be judged in respect of each section. At this point all the work

eligible for entry to the competition for the above Trophy shall be re-examined and, without

discrimination or favour as regards section (Intermediate or Advanced), shall be assessed

for the single entry which in the Judge’s opinion is the “People picture of the Year”.

Landscape of the Year:- The George Steele Trophy

Purpose: The above Trophy shall be awarded annually at the date of the Landscape

Competition or other date as decided by the Committee. It may be retained by the Winner for

the following season, but shall remain the property of Blythe Bridge Camera Club.

Definition: For the purposes of definition, ‘Landscape’ shall be a picture in which the focus is

a landscape or seascape.

Entry: Entry to the competition shall be via the Landscape Competition. All work must

conform to the current Competition Rules.

Judging: All work shall first be judged in respect of each section. At this point all the work

eligible for entry to the competition for the above Trophy shall be re-examined and, without

discrimination or favour as regards section (i.e. Intermediate or Advanced), shall be

assessed for the single entry which in the Judge’s opinion is the “Landscape of the Year”.

Natural History Image of the Year

Purpose: The above Trophy shall be awarded annually at the date of the Natural History

Competition or other date as decided by the Committee. It may be retained by the Winner for

the following season, but shall remain the property of Blythe Bridge Camera Club.

Definition For the purposes of this competition, the definition of Nature shall be :-

Nature photography is restricted to the use of the photographic process to depict all

branches of natural history, except anthropology and archaeology, in such a fashion that a

well- informed person will be able to identify the subject material and certify its honest

presentation. The story telling value of a photograph must be weighed more than the

pictorial quality while maintaining high technical quality. Human elements shall not be

present, except where those human elements are integral parts of the nature story such as

nature subjects, like barn owls or storks, adapted to an environment modified by humans, or

where those human elements are in situations depicting natural forces, like hurricanes or

tidal waves. Scientific bands, scientific tags or radio collars on wild animals are permissible.

Photographs of human created hybrid plants, cultivated plants, feral animals, domestic

animals, or mounted specimens are ineligible

Entry: Entry to the competition shall be via the Natural History Competition. All work must

conform to the to the current competition rules

Judging: All work shall first be judged in respect of each section. At this point all the work

eligible for entry to the competition for the above Trophy shall be re-examined and, without

discrimination or favour as regards section (i.e. Intermediate or Advanced), shall be

assessed for the single entry which in the Judge’s opinion is the “Natural History Image of

the Year”.