With the expectation of the club having an exhibition in the Library during July I have been looking after the prints from the last competition and some additional ones. With the Library having been closed the exhibition has clearly not happened although it will at a later date.
I have sorted the prints into each person’s using the entry forms that I have copied of but the following prints I have not been able to identify the author for. Some I have a good idea of whose they are and some I know are either Cliff’s or Paul’s. The titles are viewable when the images are clicked.
Can you please let me know if any of them are yours and if you want to collect them, get in touch and it can be arranged.
Those that I know are from Alan, Alastair, Charles, Christine, Cliff, David B, David H, David S, Ian, Irene, Jim, Paul, Phillip, Richard, Stephen, Wendy.