Here is your theme for our Christmas time Festive Fun Competition.
At this year’s end,
Each day may send
A steady stream of rain or snow
Or maybe sun or winds that blow.
And you might see some festive sight,
A stately tree, some treasured things or colours bright,
Find a place or person or an interesting face
That’ll lift the spirits or make our hearts race.
You can choose what you want to capture.
But your image should us all enrapture
And show the viewer, with a picture clear,
That it does reflect “This time of year”.
Festive Fun Rules
Blythe Bridge Camera Club is pleased to announce another “For Fun” Competition.
Once again. because of Covid 19 the Club is offering members the opportunity to take part in the second “virtual” competition called “Festive Fun”.
The rules of the competition are slightly different to the Midsummer Madness competition held earlier this year in order to take account of the short daylight hours and possible inclement weather but are stlll simple:
The event will be held over several days culminating in the on-line competition itself on 21st December 2020 which would, in more normal times, have been the date for our Christmas festivities.
The theme for the competition will be announced on the Club Website and will be available at the latest by 10.00 am on Saturday 12 December.
Participants have the rest of Saturday and Sunday until 8.45 pm to find, photograph and submit a maximum of 2 images in JPEG format. There are no restrictions as to what the image is, only that it must obviously reflect the theme.
In the interest of fairness the theme will be chosen from a list of possible themes just prior to being published.
Limited editing of the images is allowed, either on a computer or in camera, but this must be restricted to basic adjustments to exposure, contrast, levels, colour correction, dodging and burning and also cropping. Black and white conversion (if desired) is also permissible. Please note that composite images are specifically forbidden
Participants are placed on their honour not to use old images or more comprehensively edited images.
The images must be submitted to Alan Lovatt by email and received by him by 8.45 pm at the latest on Sunday 13 December. Any images received after this cut-off time will be rejected. Alan will need to be advised of the title of each image by listing each image number (Eg DSC01234.JPG) together with its title in the email. The images should be resized to comply with the Club’s PDI rules, (i.e. a maximum of 1600 long x 1200 pixels high ) Resizing will not be considered as editing.
Alan has kindly offered to compile a slideshow of the images which will then be available to view at a “Zoom” meeting to be held at 7.30 pm on the 21st December 2020 for members to view and make their choices for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place . Please email your selection for each of the three places to Chris Lord by 10.30 am on Tuesday 22 December.
The results will be collated and then published on 23 December on the Club’s Facebook page and website.
Please remember this is a “for fun“ competition and no points will be awarded so it will not affect members “rankings” for next season.